Use Sanity Checks for All External Data Sources

1 / 46 Data This practice was ranked as medium.
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Avoid invalid or incomplete data being processed.


Data is at the heart of any machine learning model. Therefore, avoiding data errors is crucial for model quality.


Data quality control should be applied to any machine learning application.


Whenever external data sources are used, or data is collected that may be incomplete or ill formatted, it is important to verify the data quality. Invalid or incomplete data may cause outages in production or lead to inaccurate models.

Start by checking simple data attributes, such as:

  • data types,
  • missing values,
  • data min. or max. values,
  • histograms of continuous values,

and gradually include more complex data statistics, such as the ones recommended here.

Missing data can also be substituted using data imputation; such as imputation by zero, mean, median, random values, etc.

Also, make sure the data verification scripts are reusable and can be later integrated in any processing pipeline.



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1 / 46 Data This practice was ranked as medium.
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